Our Last Flea Market of The Semester!


Jani: This event had so many setbacks. There seemed to be a new hurdle we had to conquer every other day. We had issues with tables and chairs alone for two whole days. The work was definitely a lot, and it never really seemed easier, but somewhere in my head, I knew that it would be worth it. It had to be worth it, otherwise… I remember I was operating under the mindset of trying to make this market what our vision was in order to not disappoint anyone. That's what really kept me going. I would say that it definitely paid off. I arrived at our location at 10am and spent around an hour just visualizing. We had previously seen that it was supposed to rain but the skies were clearer than I have ever seen in Cleveland. After a while, I started moving chairs and some more members showed up to help. The setup was starting to get going and though we had some layout issues as we never had an outdoor event at the time, it was pretty smooth. Once vendors started arriving we already had a good system of directing them where they needed to go. We got everything setup well and the event was ready to go. People were coming in, the band was doing an amazing job, vendors seemed to be happy and interacting with a lot of people. When talking after with the gb members we all agreed that we could not have asked for anything more. Once the event started, everything was very smooth. But when it was over and we put everything away, I was really really pooped. I had probably my best post anything bed rot. 

Geo: We straight-up milked this event. Being our last and final flea market for the semester, we pulled so many side quests making this our final stretch. From live jazz bands to bouncy houses, we were calling for all types of performers. Up to the day of the event, we’ve had some hurdles, and even on the day I was still nervous about the turnout but we slowly moved the tables and laid out everything. The weather was delightful considering how the day before it was forecasted for a storm. We were really lucky to have chosen this day to have our event. The sun was out, the vendors were enjoying the live music, and customers were trickling in and out. Even indoors where the brew crew club and Bella's quartet made the vibes of the atrium seem like a little book cafe. Everything fell into place, kids were using the bouncy houses, and people outside of campus joined us and were cruising around. After the event was done, I really really really did not want to clean. We laid down for an hour after we finished putting everything away. We were done! Done for the semester!!! 


Midsemester Blues