Midsemester Blues

Jani: This event was more difficult because I was the only person on exec for this one as Geo had previously made other plans that weekend. Thankfully, I had two friends in GB that really stepped up and helped. At this point, I believe that we had some vendor layout issues and we were in general still figuring out the most efficient way to set up everything but they assisted me every step of the way. This was also the first time that we started to have external vendors so we had to navigate that as well. Looking back on this event, it was probably our worst turnout in terms of attendees. Trying to learn from this, I think that the cause was because there were a lot of events taking place that day that people were going to and at the time we were still heavily reliant on students being our patrons. This event made us realize the importance of advertising and is something that we will carry with us as a club in the future.

Geo: I had to leave for a family emergency on the day of the event which put a lot of pressure on Jani and the rest of the team. Although I wasn’t there to help with the tables and check up on the vendors, it felt as if I never left. I was in line for TSA, answering phone calls from vendors about parking and other members for checkups, making sure everything about the event went by smoothly. I felt bad I couldn’t be as much help but I was also frustrated because I was answering calls that were meant to be answered on-sight. In the end, I was proud of everyone helping each other and creating an enjoyable experience for everyone.


Our Last Flea Market of The Semester!


Round Two!!