Round Two!!

Jani: We came into this event with fewer people. At this point, it was just me and Geo on exec. Needless to say, it was a lot of work. Figuring out more parts of the club that I had not familiarized myself with before was at times very frustrating especially considering we were a club and had a decent amount of restrictions. I remember much of my days were filled with doing something for CWRU Flea Market. It was all made a lot easier by the amazing GB members that stepped up when we asked them to do things that were not in their job description. I also made an error in reserving the location that made us have to have our event from 6-9 (night market) instead of our usual 1-4. Again, I was nervous about turnout for this event as it was snowing earlier that day and I thought that would disincentivize attendees from coming. Come the time of the event, I thankfully was relieved to see that my worries were futile. The timing being later than normal might have actually helped with attendance as we saw a lot of new faces.

Geo: Drop the club? Don’t drop the club. Drop the club? Don’t drop the club. The number of times Jani and I would discuss club over schoolwork was immense. Going from the head of public relations to the acting president, treasurer, event coordinator, and still doing public relations work was a lot. It felt as if we were running a business rather than a club. However, we pushed ourselves with the pressure of the event being the first of the semester. I was asking a lot from my committee and my friends. There were many hiccups and I had to go out of my way to find policies, funding, and ways to get out of the dark we were left in. Without Jani or other members’ help, our club would not have bonded like we did. This stage was our fresh start.


Midsemester Blues


Our First Flea Market!!!