Our First Flea Market!!!

Jani: This was the big event. I was pretty worried about how things would turn out. First of all, I was the head of event planning and I’ve never been to a flea market. Who's to say I was doing anything right. I was second guessing most of the decisions that I was making. It really did consume a significant amount of my head at the time. We also waited a good bit of time from when we initially posted about the club to our actual first event so I figured that the buzz had died down and we wouldn't have many people interested and attending. I remember walking to the event, I checked the online registrations and saw that like 100 people had registered so I was pretty hopeless. Even the setup, given it was our first time, had a considerable amount of hiccups. Words could not describe the joy I felt when five minutes before the event we had a line of people waiting to shop. It felt like all the hard work had paid off and I had done something right in my position. There was a lot of pride that day, so much so that I had to call my mom and show her how many people we had in attendance. She was very happy for me. Though it's not technically a good thing, I was happy when I found out that our crowd was posing a fire hazard. In the end, many vendors made a lot of money, which is all we could really ask for. 

Geo: We finally became a club in October and planned our first event on November 11th. I remember telling my friends and family about it and how excited I was to plan our events and be the head of public relations! We had our general body meeting and I met the best committee even though they had mistaken our meeting for an actual flea market. On the day of our market, we started slow. Tables were just being set up, vendors were rushing in, and club members were scrambling to check people in. As the photographer and coordinator of the event, I was also zipping around, taking pictures, asking how the vendors were doing, and handing them water bottles. It was hectic but everything was working fine. My favorite part of the event was FaceTiming my mom and seeing how impressed she was when I flipped the camera. I wanted to make sure that our future events were even better than this one. It seemed as if our club was getting the hang of this little by little.


Round Two!!